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Ballydown Primary School, Banbridge

Covid Update

1st Nov 2020

I hope you enjoyed the extended half term break. We have had a number of positive Covid cases in our school community of both staff and parents, who are currently isolating. In order to keep our school open and reduce the risk of having to send classes home we need to step up our measures to cut down the opportunities for spreading the virus.

  1. All parents are asked to wear a face covering when on the school grounds and when visiting the office.
  2. Keep your distance from each other when in the school grounds.
  3. If you or your child are displaying symptoms then do not come into the school grounds.
  4. Remember good hand hygiene.
  5. Please inform the office if you or a family member have tested positive.
  6. Have a plan in place if your child is asked to isolate at home.

It is going to be a challenging few weeks until Christmas to control the spread in our school community and keep our children in school.

Thank you for your support. 

Keep safe and well.