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Ballydown Primary School, Banbridge
Clubs start week beginning 16th September
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London Day 2

26th Mar 2024

Another fun filled, busy day in London! Today we headed into Westminster! Our day started with a tour of Parliament buildings, the House of Commons and House of Lords. We were kindly met by Carla Lockhart and Lord Nigel Dodds who helped organise a slot for our visit. Next we had a walk through the amazing sights of Westminster and Whitehall, soaking up the atmosphere and history. We crossed over Westminster bridge to have lunch, followed by a trip on the London Eye, with breathtaking views of London! Next stop was Hamleys Toy Store for 6 floors of every child’s dream- toys, toys, toys! We then headed for dinner to Tiger Tiger restaurant! The food was great and the dancing after was even better! We arrived back at our hotel shattered and ready for an early night! Ready for our adventure to the Tower of London and the West End, tomorrow!