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Ballydown Primary School, Banbridge

P4 planting to mark the Coronation

10th May 2023

Many thanks to P4 who kept up the ethos of the Big Help Out that King Charles promotes in their hard work and voluntary efforts with the Great Outdoors Club.

On Tuesday to mark the King’s Coronation the children planted four maturing apple trees that are in bloom already to enhance the entrance to the school biodiverse maze and wooded play area. We were fortunate to have them donated to us by a neighbouring community project that knew they would be cared for on our school grounds.

We had great fun in the sunshine and in the midst of a heavy rain shower but we got the job done! We also potted lots of new plants for the front of school and thank Esme for bringing in some plants for the greenhouse.

King Charles promotes legacy , environmental work , conservation of wildlife and especially birds and is an advocate on the discouragement of deforestation.

We hope that our efforts on a weekly basis are adding to our school’s impact on the world around us and are very proud to have marked the festivities with a lasting piece of nature.