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Ballydown Primary School, Banbridge
Parent/Teacher Interviews Nursery-P6 Mon 24th-Thurs 27th Feb
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2020/2021 School Year

1st Jun 2021
As part of our WAU topic on Living Things, P5 went on a minibeast hunt in the Rath....
28th May 2021
The sun was shining and it was a beautiful morning for the Ballydown Fun Run. We...
27th May 2021
This week in Nursery we made the most of the beautiful sunny days and had lots of...
27th May 2021
Today we had great fun taking part in the PTA Fun Run. We were very excited and...
24th May 2021
24th May 2021
P5 have had so much fun over the past few weeks designing our unique shoe creation...